When it comes to cleaning your preparation areas for the next shift, our products are able to minimise time spent at the end of the working day. Whether it be a smaller kitchen or sole operator, to the major seaford producers of Australia, there is a solution to suit your expectations.
Use a portable hot/cold water electric unit for all your equipment and plant. But do it quickly and efficiently! Line up those boards and containers and with your specially thought out trigger and nozzle assembly, cleaning will be made less of a chore.
Mount a hose reel to the unit with your required length of hose for easy maneouverability, add a foaming kit to apply chemicals quickly and economically. If you have lots of areas in a large space to clean, engage Spitwater to install hard plumbed Stainless Steel Pipework with numerous High Pressure Outlets. This will save TIME & MONEY when it comes to a tough & ready unit designed for longevity and reliability: simply plug the hose in and wash!